
Illegal sex pills being used as party drugs - Sarah Hajibagheri reports

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  • Illegal sex pills being used as party drugs - Sarah Hajibagheri reports


Many male enhancement supplements, including ExtenZe, contain Yohimbe. You should use a condom as well if you think you are at risk of an STI. The growth of the beard depends largely on the level of testosterone. If you notice a sudden decrease or loss of hearing, talk to your doctor right away.

Illegal sex pills being used as party drugs - Sarah Hajibagheri reports

©SKY 2017 - COPYRIGHT REMAINS WITH THE ORIGINAL OWNER AND IS USED FOR EDUCATIONAL & REFERENCE USE. The black market for erectile dysfunction drugs is booming as more young men are using the medicine as a recreational party pill, Sky News has found. Figures obtained by Sky News reveal the scale of unlicensed erectile dysfunction drug smuggling into the UK by post, ports and dealers has sharply increased over the past five years to meet demand. Sarah Hajibagheri reports.

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