In a weight loss supplement, that raised metabolism is what we re after, as that will help you burn more fat faster.
Plans include meal replacement shakes, herbal tea concentrates and other supplements to support weight loss.
When you do something right with your diet and exercise, treat yourself to something.
But please do consult a professional before starting.
Legion... you have outdone yourself!
On a call last year with @milesputney (my Legion OG), I mentioned this as a supplement that would be amazing to add to the already amazing Legion supplement line up.
I saw a few but not many brands doing it... or doing it well… as well as Legion does! And when I saw these were releasing I audibly screamed.
I AM THE BIGGEST fan of creatine (I've made a few videos/podcasts on this topic that you can check out). 🤘
These just launched today, you can get your first order for 20% off or double reward points with my code DOCLYSS at checkout.
👉 Shop Legion:
If you’re curious about the ingredients I have a picture of the back in my highlight SUPPLEMENTS (on my Instagram - @doclyssfitness) and also the website will have all info on the supplement! 🤘