Healthy Food Swaps to Cut Fat, Lower Cholesterol, Lose Weight
While you can take dietary supplements of these minerals, you can also supplement with keto pills that contain them.
Make sure to get your carbs from vegetables 10 15g , nuts and seeds 5 10g , and fruits 5 10g.
Covers keto recipes on appetizers, breakfast, breads and muffins, crockpot, instant pot, sauces, side dishes and more.
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Top 7 Healthy Food Swaps:
Wasabi Mustard instead of Mayonaise on sandwiches
Greek Yogurt instead of Mayonaise in tuna or chicken salad
Juice + Seltzer instead of soda
Ground Turkey or Bison instead of Ground Beef
Smart Balance instead of Butter
Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms (small portion) instead of cookies
Flat Lavash Roll-Up instead of Bread