They Are Simple To Make And Easy To Wash, This Calls For A Easy Weeknight Meal For A Fast, Filling, And Healthy Meal, Nothing Beats A Great Sandwich This Recipe Is A Twist On The Classic Ham, Cheese, And Toma. The Ketogenic Diet Can Lead To Fast Weight Loss, Nevertheless It Isn T For Everyone Benefitsthis Is A Straightforward Approach To Add Energy And Fat Into A Ketogenic Food Plan If You Re On The Go Or Overlook To Pack A Keto Friendly Lunch, Don T Fret.
They're keto, they're gummy, they're wormy, they're chewy, but most of all...they're sour! INGREDIENTS 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, divided 1 tablespoon of water 2 tablespoons of gelatin powder 2 tablespoons of Sorbitol 1 teaspoon of citric acid SUPPLIES A small saucepan A spatula A mold An eyedropper DIRECTIONS Combine the gelatin and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and let it bloom. Add the water, remaining lemon juice, Sorbitol, and citric acid to the saucepan and heat it until it begins to simmer. Add the bloomed gelatin and mix until it's completely dissolved. Use the eyedropper to transfer the mixture to the mold. Refrigerate until set, at least an hour. Remove the gummies from the mold and enjoy! Thanks to Gibby Gibster for the awesome logo design.
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